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CASE STUDY: Central Indiana Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Center (CARC)

A website created for a new addiction and recovery treatment network partnership, offering online resources to educate professionals and the public on addiction and how to get treatment.


The Central Indiana Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Center (CARC) is a collaboration between the IDOA (Indiana Department of Administration on behalf of the Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA)), Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center (Division of Eskenazi Health), and Community Behavioral Health (Division of Community Health Network).

The Central Indiana CARC is committed to helping residents and their loved ones connect with the recovery path that is appropriate for them within a continuum of care that includes intensive treatment, outpatient clinic-based therapies, residential settings, and other evidence-based practices.

  • Developing a brand between two large corporate partners where both entities retained their own brand.
  • A new community-based addiction recovery venture with no blueprint or information on best practices for developing this type of online resource.
  • Creating clear pathways through the site for patients, family and providers who might need different types of information.

Tomato Fish was required to start from scratch to create a website that would be flexible and easy for the client to maintain as new resources and information became available. Specifically, we were chosen to design and develop an online presence that would make evidence-based resources available that educate professionals and the public on addiction and recovery.


We took our usual three-phased approach in making outreach available online for Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center and Community Behavioral Health’s Central Indiana CARC.

PHASE 1: EVALUATE [Discovery]:

Deliverables for this phase included a situational analysis, as well as research into Substance Abuse Stigma & Barriers to Recovery, and addiction recovery messaging. Finally, we used Bingle Research Group’s consumer journey audit to have an in-depth understanding of our target audiences’ needs and point of view.

PHASE 2: ENGAGE [Strategy + Collaboration]:

Deliverables in this phase included reviewing and collaborating with the corporate partners to identify our target audience and approve the situational analysis.  Additionally, we worked with the team first on development of an action-oriented domain name of (based on SEO research and market research) and a cohesive brand that combined both corporate partners’ brands. Once we had the “brand” in the form of a domain name, colors, and partnership logos, we were able to focus on the user experience of the site and identify necessary pages / content topics for the site map (navigation).

Our next step was to conduct baseline SEO audits, develop a keyword list and meta data for priority website pages, and create SEO-targeted copy edits. We also set up Google Analytics and Search Console, which allowed us to create a custom dashboard and monthly reports emailed to the team allowing them to monitor and measure their web activity as needed.

PHASE 3: EXECUTE [Implementation of Strategy]:

In this phase we began to execute the plan to bring their online presence to life.

The deliverables included:

  • Wireframe Design based off of approved site navigation
  • Homepage + Secondary page design based off of approved wireframes
  • Development of the site in the WordPress platform to allow for easier maintenance by their internal team as needed
  • SEO targeted copywriting
  1. A user-friendly website that provides evidence-based resources for patients, families and providers.
  2. A homepage that clearly identifies what needs to be done first: call the number and get an assessment for the right treatment as soon as possible.
  3. A site that guides patients, family and providers immediately to information that they might need quickly in an urgent situation.


Central IN Addiction and Recovery Center web site thumbnails