“Well, it’s the end of the year and you’re not only sending a ton of email but you’re getting it too, right? Retailers are going nuts trying to get as much as they can out of the short season. I’m seeing an email every 30 seconds pop into my inbox and I’m sure many of you have it just the same. Bloomie’s and Nieman Marcus are up to 2-3 mailings a DAY right now, but they mail every day anyway, so that’s not completely out of the ordinary. On top of that, the businesses who market to businesses are feeling the end-of-year crunch so they’re having fire sales for their goods and services too.” – VR Blog
I read this and immediately it brought to mind the many TFM clients who are in a crunch to get SOMETHING out by the end of the year. It’s not just TFMail email marketing, but it’s one more brochure or sales call or leave-behind. We see it every year and it’s great for us because it means we don’t go through a pre-holiday slump in business, but it’s not so good for the client who is making a last ditch effort to wrap up their marketing for the end of the year.
The moral of the story is that you have to PLAN! Yes, I said PLAN. What we all need to be focusing on is creating the perfect Marketing Plan for 2009 — not last minute marketing collateral to get in front of clients one more time before they stuff their bellies with holiday treats and long winter naps. A good marketing plan lasts all year and is just as important in January as it is in December. Think of all of the headaches you could save by having a plan and knowing exactly what is going out each month and how to track it against your sales efforts?
So, as you make your list for Santa and promise to be good next year, make another promise — promise yourself that you will create that much needed marketing plan and have someone be accountable for sticking with your plan. We just might know some good folks that can help you. 🙂